Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Caution: wet paint: is this Illinois town's paintball ban off target?

Caution: wet paint: is this Illinois town's paintball ban off target? - News Debate
Author: Current Events

SPLAT! An orange paintball smashes into the tree next to you, leaving a messy splotch on the dark-brown bark. You quickly duck behind a bush and put your finger on your gun's trigger, ready to shoot anything that moves.

Does that sound like fun and games? Paintball players think so. More than 8 million people take part in the sport at about 2,500 sites nationwide, shooting competitors with paint pellets from compressed-gas guns in games similar to tag and capture the flag.

Not everyone is pleased about paintball's popularity, however. Spurred by a spate of paintball-related assaults and vandalism, city council members in Lake Forest, Ill., recently banned paintball guns. And they're not the only ones to do so. Officials in other towns in Illinois and in Georgia and Pennsylvania have also banned or restricted paintball guns in the past year.

Paintball players say local officials are unfairly attacking the sport. Critics, however, say paintball is dangerous and should be banned.

Too Dangerous!

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